Autograph Scores

You are here: Autograph Scores / D 94 Streichquartett in D

D 94 Streichquartett in D

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Signature: MH 1892
Title: Streichquartett in D
Additional title: [Stimmenabschrift]
Title of the autograph: Fr. Schubert /Quartett D major. / [Incipit] / in Stimmen / Autograph
Head title: [in Violino Secundo] Quartetto
Parts of the work:
Dated: without date
investigated date: Beginning 1812
Period of origin: 1st quarter 1812

Kind of issue: instrumental part
Type of document: final stage
Genre: chamber music --> quartets (instrumental)
Instrumentation: instrumental quartet
violin I
violin II

Watermarks: 52 , 55
Material for writing down: ink grey
Paper for writing onto: paper brown-grey
Height and width (in cm): [f 1-9, 12, 13, 16] 23,1 x 30,1 (18,4 x 24,6); [f 10, 11, 14, 15] 23,1 x 30,1 (18,5 x 24,6)
Pages: 16 sheet. [4+4+4+4 sheet] (32 p.)
Comment: At the end of the 1st violin-part following comment: "Diese eigenhändig geschriebene Quartett Composition des / Franz Schubert, erhielt ich von dessen Bruder Ferdinand Schubert / mit der Bemerkung, daß er wegen Mangel an Notenpapier / auf die Bequemlichkeit des Umblätterns selten denken durfte. / Wien, im Oktober 1857. / Franz Xav. Petter"

Footnotes: Slightly different from the score; decorative title by another hand.

Collection: Wienbibliothek im Rathaus (Link zum Katalog)

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