Autograph Scores

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D 258 Bundeslied

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Signature: MH 117
Title: Bundeslied
Head title: Bundeslied.
Text incipit: In allen guten Stunden
Persons involved: Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (1749–1832) (text author)
Dated: without date
investigated date: Fall 1815
Period of origin: 3rd quarter 1815 to 4th quarter 1815
Neue Schubert-Ausgabe (vol. no.): IV/8

Kind of issue: piano score
Type of document: final stage
Genre: lieder --> german lieder (without lieder cycles and canons)
Instrumentation: vocal solo
piano (two hands)
Text language: deutsch

Watermarks: 65
Material for writing down: ink black-brown
Paper for writing onto: paper white-grey
Height and width (in cm): 30,5 x 22,9 (25,2 x 18,5)
Format: landscape 4°
Pages: 1 sheet (2 p.)
Comment: The note-text is underlaid with the first strophe; at the end with repeat signs.Parts: „Singst.“, „Pianoforte“. Combined manuscript with D 123, D 261, D 120 and D 234.

Text by Schubert: In allen guten Stunden,
Erhöht von Lieb' und Wein,
Soll dieses Lied verbunden
Von uns gesungen seyn!
Uns hält der Gott zusammen,
Der uns hierher gebrach,
Erneuert unsre Flammen,
Er hat sie angefacht.

Collection: Wienbibliothek im Rathaus (Link zum Katalog)
Previous owner: Weinberger & Hofbauer, Wien
Dumba, Nikolaus

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