Autograph Scores

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D 670 Die Sternennächte (op. post. 165,2)

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Signature: Schubert, F. 31 (2)
RISM-ID no.: 464001552
Title: Die Sternennächte
Additional title: [1. Fassung]
Head title: Die Sternennächte.
Text incipit: In monderhellten Nächten
Persons involved: Mayrhofer, Johann Baptist (1787–1836) (Text author)
Dated: Oct. 1819
Period of origin: 4th quarter 1819
Neue Schubert-Ausgabe (vol. no.): IV/12

Kind of issue: piano score
Type of document: incompletely, autograph with few corrections
Genre: lieder --> german lieder (without lieder cycles and canons)
Instrumentation: vocal solo
piano (two hands)
Text language: deutsch

Material for writing down: ink black-brown
Paper for writing onto: paper grey-yellowish
Height and width (in cm): 31 x 24 (25,6 x 19,6)
Format: landscape 4°
Pages: 1 sheet (1 p.)
Comment: Only bars 1–28 of the composition; bar 29 until the end on a sheet that was a part of the manuscript and is currently held at the Bibliothèque nationale in Paris (together with D 670 and D 671). Combined manuscript with D 669.

Text by Schubert: In monderhellten Nächten
Mit dem Geschick zu rechten,
Hat diese Brust verlernt.
Der Himmel reich gestirnt;
Umwoget mich mit Frieden,
Da denk ich, auch hienieden
Gedeihet manche Blume.
Und frischer schaut der stumme,
Sonst trübe Blick hinauf
Zum [...]

Collection: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz (Link zum Katalog)
Previous owner: Schubert, Ferdinand
Landsberg, Ludwig

Digital Reproduction Schubert-Online only mediates between researchers and libraries. If you would like to order digital reproductions, please contact the respective collection:
Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz,