Autograph Scores

You are here: Autograph Scores / D 431 Blumenlied

D 431 Blumenlied

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Signature: Mus.Hs.L14.Münze.2
Title: Blumenlied
Head title: Blumenlied.
Text incipit: Es ist ein halbes Himmelreich
Persons involved: Hölty, Ludwig Christoph Heinrich (1748–1776) (Text author)
Dated: May 1816
Period of origin: 2nd quarter 1816
Neue Schubert-Ausgabe (vol. no.): IV/10

Kind of issue: piano score
Type of document: autograph with few corrections
Genre: lieder --> german lieder (without lieder cycles and canons)
Instrumentation: vocal solo
piano (two hands)
Text language: deutsch

Material for writing down: ink (black-)brown
Paper for writing onto: paper white-yellowish
Height and width (in cm): 31 x 23,5 (18 x 24,4)
Pages: 2 sheets (2 p.)
Comment: Comments by different hands (s. critical commentary). The note-text is underlaid with the first strophe; at the end with repeat signs. Combined manuscript 3 sheets (1 sheet + 1 double sheet) with D 371, D 432, D 433 and Canon a trè in B, D deest; part of an initially more extensive collection (D 429 and D 430 additionally).

Text by Schubert: Es ist ein halbes Himmelreich,
Wenn Paradiesesblumen gleich,
Aus Klee die Blumen dringen;
Und wenn die Vögel silberhell
Im Garten hier, und dort am Quell,
Auf Blüthenbäumen singen.

Collection: Musiksammlung der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek (Link zum Katalog)
Previous owner: Schubert, Ferdinand
Anton Diabelli & Co.: Verlagshaus
C. A. Spina: Verlagshaus
Schreiber, Friedrich
Cranz, Alwin sen.
Cranz, Alwin jun.
Eisenmann, Heinrich (London)
Mannheim, Familie (London)

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