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D 678 Messe in As

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Signature: MH 175
Title: Messe in As
Additional title: [Entwurf zum Credo]
Head title: [ohne Kopftitel]
Text incipit: [Credo in unum Deum]
Dated: without date
investigated date: presumably Spring 1819
Period of origin: 1st quarter 1819 to 2nd quarter 1819
Neue Schubert-Ausgabe (vol. no.): I/3b (Anh.)

Kind of issue: choir score
Type of document: draft
Genre: sacred music --> masses
Instrumentation: mixed choir
Text language: latin

Watermarks: 21a
Material for writing down: ink black
Paper for writing onto: paper yellow-white
Height and width (in cm): 31,5 x 24,4 (26,7 x 19,5)
Format: landscape 4°
Pages: 1 sheet (1 p.)
Comment: Draft of bar 325 until the end of the Credo in the form of a piano sketch. Combined manuscript with a sketch to D 712.

Collection: Wienbibliothek im Rathaus (Link zum Katalog)
Previous owner: Schubert, Ferdinand
Schneider, Eduard
Dumba, Nikolaus

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