Autograph Scores

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D 581 Streichtrio in B

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Signature: MH 1871
Title: Streichtrio in B
Additional title: [2. Fassung]
Title of the autograph: [von fremder Hand:] Trio, / pour / Violine, Viole e Violoncelle / composeée / par / François Schubert.
Parts of the work:
Dated: 1817
investigated date: September 1817
Period of origin: 3rd quarter 1817
Neue Schubert-Ausgabe (vol. no.): VI/6

Kind of issue: instrumental part
Type of document: final stage
Genre: chamber music --> trios
Instrumentation: instrumental trio

Watermarks: 2 , 3
Material for writing down: ink black-brown
Paper for writing onto: paper brownish-grey
Height and width (in cm): [Viola, Violoncello] 31,1 x 24,3 (25,4 x 18,4); [Violin] 31,2 x 24,4 (25,4 x 18,4)
Format: landscape 4°
Pages: 10 sheets [4+3+3 sheets] (19 p.)
Comment: Many differences towards the 1st version. It seems that the manuscript was often used; for a detailled manuscript description s. critical commentary of the Neue Schubert-Ausgabe.

Collection: Wienbibliothek im Rathaus (Link zum Katalog)
Previous owner: Hüttenbrenner, Josef
Weis-Ostborn, Karoline (früher Hüttenbrenner)
Weis-Ostborn, Hans
Weis-Ostborn, Rudolf

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